In both Life of Pi and Castaway, the main characters survived by anthropomorphizing what was around them and created a companion. Pi anthropomorphized Richard Parker and Richard Nolan created a friend named Wilson out of a volley ball. These anthropomorphized companions helped both characters survive and remain sane in different ways. Wilson helped keep Richard Nolan sane because it gave him a friend to talk to. Richard Parker kept Pi alive and sane because he kept Pi busy and kept his mind off of his troubles. Most of Pi’s time was spent training Richard Parker or finding food for the two of them. Without Richard Parker’s reliance on Pi, Pi might have given up and died. The two castaways also used different tools to keep up hope for survival. Pi used the pen and paper he found to make a journal so he could talk about what was on his mind and Chuck Nolan thought about his wife-to-be to keep up his spirits. Both characters were in very different situations and survived in different ways but anthropomorphism helped them maintain their sanity and aided in their survivals.
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