Sunday, October 31, 2010

If God has been keeping Pi alive with natural phenomena, why have the tanker miss him?

During the course of the entire book, a religious reader would argue that God has been keeping Pi alive. God stopped the sharks from attacking, kept Richard Parker at bay and gave Pi the means to obtain food and fresh water. God was keeping Pi alive but when a tanker came across Pi’s path, it did not stop to rescue him. The reason Yann Martel had a ship come across Pi’s path that did not stop to rescue him up was to show that Pi had not yet realised the purpose of his journey, to find himself. Pi has not yet found a true sense of identity and will not find it until later in the novel. According to the philosophy existentialism, ones true identity is defined by what they learn as they are children. Pi is only able to survive God’s tests because of what he has learned as a child. God has sent Pi on a journey to find his true self and will not allow for Pi to be rescued until he has found identity and meaning in life.

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